My name is Linda , I have 7 sisters. I am the baby , I am 56 . I have three kids and I got married at 22 and we are still happily married. My sisters and I We all love to cook.
Growing up we would visit my grandmother on the south side of Chicago and have Sunday dinner. My mom made dinner every night. Growing up in Chicago if I didn’t want liver and onions I would walk up to church’s chicken and get my own dinner because I was spoiled.😂😂 back then the women catered to the men. So dinner was more about what my dad wanted for dinner. When I make dinner I like to incorporate the foods my kids like. I have a 12 year old grandson know who I love so much.
My entire life was about cooking. Being in the kitchen with my mom who made a big dinner every Sunday. And the tradition is real ! Growing up us sisters took turns making dinner and cleaning the house and if I didn’t feel like making dinner I pretended to be sick 🤒 . And In my house if you were sick my dad would not let you in the kitchen. I knew how to play the game. 😂😂
I met my husband and he moved me about a hour outside of Chicago, I my boys were not born in Chicago but I brought my kids back to Chicago every weekend to visit we would sit on the porch with the boombox and they would love it ! I made sure they were introduced to everything I was introduced to in Chicago, like the snowball stands, the taste of Chicago.
I have three kids ( 38 , 31, and 21). When they were growing up we sat down everyday and had dinner and that way we got to talk to them and see how things were going in their life.
My mom is 90 years old and suffers from dementia now . My dad passed over 10 years ago.I am so blessed to have had the chance I did to be in the kitchen with my mom when she would bake a cake and give me the bowl to lick.🥰 we would pick greens together.
When we were not driving to the south side of Chicago we were driving to Mississippi. To visit Big Mama. My dad’s mom. Meridian Mississippi. We would go to Mississippi every year. I would get to see my cousins, ❤️ my mom is from Mississippi also.
We get together at my house for holidays and we have a great time. My family has gotten bigger over the years.